
Taste Ajvar 100% natural vegetables

New Receipt Guvetch - Vegetable hotchpotch



In general, when auditing in accordance with IFS, the auditor assesses if the various elements of a company’s quality and food safety system are documented, implemented, maintained, and continuously improved.

The auditor shall examine the following elements:

  • organisational structure in relation to responsibility, authority, qualification and job description;
  • documented procedures and the instructions concerning their implementation;
  • inspection and testing: specified requirements and defined acceptance/tolerance criteria;
  • the actions to be taken in case of non-conformities;
  • investigation of the causes of non-conformities and the implementation of corrective actions;
  • conformity analysis of safety and quality data and review of implementation in practice;
  • the handling, storage and retrieval of quality and food safety records, such as traceability data;
  • document control.

All processes and procedures shall be clear, concise and unambiguous and the personnel responsible shall understand the principles of the quality and food safety management system. The quality and food safety management system is based on the following methodology:

  • to identify the processes needed for the quality and food safety management system;
  • to determine the sequence and interaction of these processes;
  • to determine the criteria and methods required to ensure the effective operation and control of these processes;
  • to ensure the availability of information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of these processes;
  • to measure, monitor and analyse these processes, and implement the necessary action to achieve planned results and continuous improvement;
  • to verify the quality and food safety management system to confirm that the system continues to be effective.

Benefits from the implementation of IFS

  • Provides for a better satisfaction and trust on part of the customers;
  • Enhances the competitive power of the company by meeting the requirements and the potential needs of the market;
  • Safeguards the best practices in the company by records and control;
  • Regulates the control and facilitates the improvements;
  • Creates transparency and controls the efficiency of the internal processes;
  • Creates conditions and regulations for prevention rather than correction of flaws;
  • Creates subsystems for traceability of results;
  • Provides for professional training of the personnel;
  • Creates practical, sufficient and well-maintained documentation of the company;

SATKO LTD has developed and implemented internal procedures for good production, hygiene and laboratory practice - НАССР . HACCP means ‘hazard analysis and critical control points". These are the points in the production cycle, where eventual biological, chemical and physical hazards for the human body can be eliminated. If the control at these points is not thorough enough then the health and the life of the consumers can be endangered and HACСP prevents this. The scope of application of HACCP systems covers the whole food chain – from production to consumption, including trade, storage and transportation.

HACCP is based on seven main principles

1. Hazard analysis.
2. Identify Critical Control Points
3. Establish Critical Limits
4. Monitor the CCP's
5. Establish Corrective Action
6. Record keeping
7. Verification